Meeting a new little life for a Newborn Photography session is always amazing.
Being allowed to capture them within their first 48 hours at a Fresh 48 Session is basically mind-blowing awesomesauce. (seriously)
All those details of the haze after they make their debut in the world. Feet still all wrinkled and even with the marks from the tiny pricks on those feet. Hospital bands, hospital caps and just all the details of that new little life. Details that change soon after they get home.
I cannot even say enough how much I LOVE Fresh 48 Sessions. How I feel incredibly honored that parents will ask me to come, while they are sleep deprived and really want rest. They allow me, for a short time, to capture the love, joy and just everything amazing about that new little life. That tiny person they have been waiting so long to meet.
Is finally here.
So, no matter how this Monday went for you, it is no amazing because you can see a new little life. A sign from God, that we all will go on.
Happy Monday,

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