What to Wear
What you wear may be one of the MOST important details of your session. Outfits must coordinate and photograph well together and apart. To help you out, below you will find links to my Pinterest page, Easy to shop Amazing lists and a listing of other stores I love for photo ready outfits!
Follow me on Pinterest to get inspired for your session! I’m a sucker for flowy dresses and skirts because it shows movement and can be tossed around and played with during your session (long dresses allow for even more movement and are less likely to attract a bit of wind for a "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" effect). For men I suggest neutral colors (white, grey, taupe, beige, ivory, white or black). You also cannot go wrong with a chambray/denim button up with khaki or sage pants or black jeans. These colors match well with just about anything. Get inspired here!
Other Shops I love