The anticipation of that new life, preparing the nursery, Baby Showers and baby joy fill your life during your pregnancy.
Of course, my favorite part is the Maternity Portrait session. Capturing your beauty in the waiting is capturing those moments you can't get back. But, I know not every mama-to-be feels as beautiful as she looks.
So, here are a few tips for making sure you feel gorgeous for your Maternity Shoot.
1. Consider your Location

What you wear for your session, partly depends on where your session is taking place.
For instance, had this beautiful mama above been wearing green she wouldn't have stood out as much. So, if you are choosing a park like setting (Washington Oaks State Gardens, Alpine Groves park or the like), then green is not your friend.
Choose a color that will stand out from your surroundings. With parks, bright colors and soft palettes both work. But dark navy, brown or green, will work against you. Colors and patterns work too! (check out the image at the top for proof
You leaning towards the beach? Colors and patterns are gorgeous, even black, just steer away from a color that may blend with the ocean.
The soft pink of this dress compliments the soft blues and browns in the sea and sky....

2. Tight? Flowy? or.....Both?

With so many amazing shops on Etsy, SewTrendy, PeaInThePod, PinkBlush and or course Amazon, you have Maternity dress options galore. You can even rent a dress from sites like, MamaBumpRentals.
But how do you decide which is best for you?
First, try on both styles. See where you are most comfortable. If you are uncomfortable or not confident in how you look, it will show. I want to capture and show you JUST how beautiful you are, so comfort is key.
Second, YOU DON't HAVE TO CHOOSE! Seriously, you don't. I have had a few mommas lately arrive in one style, do a quick change and leave in another. You can have your cake and eat it to (and who doesn't like cake)!
This momma wore a beautiful white tight gown, then changed into a more flowy purple flowered dress. And she looked gorgeous in both!
3. Go Timeless....
You never want to look back on your photos, see your outfit and think, "What was I thinking??"
With so many classic styles still popular, from maxi dresses to jeans with a tight top, you can feel beautiful and have classic, timeless images that you will love forever of this amazing time in your life.

4. Textured Clothing...adding interest
Lace, ruffles, belts, sweaters, these are all easy ways to add interest to your images. A gorgeous lace gown or if you are more of a jeans and a t shirt gal, you want to make sure your images are as amazing as possible.
If you are choosing a gown, lace or adding a belt can help keep the bump the star and your images beautiful. A flowy maxi dress with a belted ribbon is always beautiful, or a simply tight black dress with a beautiful necklace. Either way, you will look amazing.
If you prefer jeans and a t shirt, add a long sweater and a skinny belt to accentuate the bump and keep it casual for you.
Whichever your style, texture adds interest.

5. What about the family?
When you are styling the rest of your family, whether your spouse or older siblings, always try to keep it simple.
Choose 4 or so colors that look good together, then mix and match.
If your dress will have a big pattern, keep everyone else in neutrals. I try to keep to "One Pattern at a Time" so that the images don't get to chaotic. If your husband lives in plaid shirts, keep the plaid, then keep everyone else fairly neutral.
Whatever you do DO NOT PUT EVERYONE IN THE SAME OUTFIT. Gone are the days of everyone in black shirts (or white) and jeans, so keep it that way. (seriously, the 90's wasn't known for it's fashion, lol)

That's it! You can look for even more What to Wear Tips on my Pintrest Page or this Wednesday when I release my new updated, What to Wear Guide.
Happy Monday!
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