Family Portrait Season, as photographers call it, can be crazy. Busy, long hours of editing, but all 100% WORTH IT.
Why? Because I am able to capture memories for my clients.
See, I don't want to just get you the "everyone smile for the Christmas card" shot. I want to capture YOUR family.
The love you have for one another. The way your little one's nose crinkles when they laugh, how much your oldes has grown since last year, maybe even the new braces that this season has brought.
I want to capture how your relationship with your children may have changed as they move away from childhood. Whatever THIS SEASON of life is for you. I want to forever freeze THAT in time.
Because as all mom's know. IT goes by so quickly. Like, WAY too fast for real.
My girls are 10 and almost 12. I can't capture them like I used to. The old games no longer work, and they aren't as into posing like when they were 3 and 5. (and the bribes are significantly more expensive)
So, even if you are a husband who's wife is asking for family photos.
Allow her to be in the photos, to capture you loving and playing with the kids.
If you are a mom on the fence about it, whether it's because you're a single mom or you know your hubby won't be excited.
This is the one time to capture your love.
BUT, and this is my BIGGEST PIECE OF ADVICE for family photos.
Don't focus only on the "SMILE AT THE CAMERA" photo. Telling your kids to say cheese, or smile for 10 seconds or Santa won't come, isn't going to allow me to capture the love and joy, that I know every family has.
Relax. Play a game. Make a silly face. Tickle. Sing a silly song. Talk about farting, whatever it takes to get genuine smiles and laughs from everyone. Because THOSE are the smiles and the images you will love forever. Your session will be filled with images you love and the session will be fun for everyone.
That isn't my normal opening for sharing from a Family session, but it's true. And this family. They did it right. They let their toddler be a toddler when needed. They held, cuddled, tickled and loved.
And you know what?
Their session turned out awesome. And I did get the, "everyone smiling at the camera shot" BUT I can't share everything because, Christmas cards.
So scroll through as you think about whether or not you want Family Photos, or Maternity Photos or Newborn photos. And maybe, you will be convinced that you do NEED those memories.
Happy Wednesday!

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