I missed #MaternityMonday as I am a creature of habit. I edit sessions in order and I blog in order..... It's hard to break that, lol.
I can't wait to meet this sweet babe next Month, but I LOVE Maternity Sessions and I LOVE the beach, so basically when the two are together it's the best day ever.
This gorgeous momma was amazing and daddy did awesome too and I think even had, dare I say it, fun at the session (haha).
I truly try to make dads feel comfortable and enjoy the sessions, so I love when I can see what they are. When there is real laughter and everyone is relaxed and I can focus on capturing the love and joy of their upcoming arrival.
Being a Maternity Photographer is one of my fave things ever, and I am honored each and every time a family asks me to capture such a special time in their lives.
So, stay cool because it's almost 80 by 6am, and enjoy a few of my favorites from this beautiful Beach Maternity Portrait Session in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.
To see even more of my Maternity work, CLICK HERE or to book your Maternity portrait session just click the Contact tab above.
Happy Wednesday!

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