When I started this photography journey years ago I was happy anytime someone let me photograph them. I was knew, I was learning, I was doing the best I could.
Though, I am still honored and excited each time a family chooses me to photograph them, those few families who were with me long ago, when I was starting out an stayed with me as I learned. As I grew and developed as a photographer. Stayed with me through the move from North Central Florida to a Jacksonville Family Photographer. These people are basically amazing.
A couple weekends ago I traveled back to my old city for a 12 Month Milestone session for a Watch Me Grow babe (another amazing family who stayed with me through all three kids) and I knew I could work in a couple Petite sessions in the morning before. So, I contacted some of my tried and true families. And they said yes. Which is another reason they are amazing.
So, Here are a few favorites from both of those Family Portrait sessions.....including a few looks back to see just how much they have changed and grown.....and I have.
Happy (Rainy) Wednesday!
The Striebel Family - The Early Years...
And today...
The MEEK Family - The Early Years...
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