May has been a bit crazy, but I can't complain about all the wonderful families, sweet new little lives and of course gorgeous momma's in waiting I have been able to meet and photograph.
As a Photographer in Jacksonville FL, I am blessed to have amazing clients. Maternity Photography has always had a special place in my heart, maybe because I didn't do it, maybe because I want every momma to know how beautiful she is, but I love doing Maternity Portraits.
When that Maternity Portrait session is the beginning of a Watch Me Grow plan family it's even better. Because I know, this family will possibly see way too much of me over the next year, but I will get to watch their little one grow.
This wonderful couple made me laugh so many times over our session, completely laid back and ready to capture this special time.
So, take a moment to relax this Friday and see some of my favorites from this Maternity Photography session in Jacksonville, FL.
Happy Friday!

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