It's not secret, if you have seen any of my blog posts you know two things.
1. I LOVE Maternity Portraits and being lucky enough to capture those beautiful mamas.
2. I LOVE my Watch Me Grow Families.
When I meet a new Watch Me Grow Family, it's exciting. They are allowing me to capture this special major addition to their lives and all the changes and milestones for the next year. Older siblings become sweet little people who welcome me with hugs. (which is basically, awesome)
This family is no different. After their Maternity Portrait Session at Walter Jones Park in Jacksonville, FL I am already excited to see them again when their new little man makes his debut. To see how much his big brother and big sister simply adore him. (and let's be honest, toddlers have been my fave lately with all their silly selves)
So, add a little something beautiful to your Friday and see some favorites from this Jacksonville Maternity Photography session.
Happy Friday,
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