It's Maternity Monday!!!
It is also Maternity Luther King Jr Day, which always causes me to pause and think of Love. Because if we had all shown love to each other from the beginning, none of that nonsense would have had to be fought against. We would have treated each other as equals to begin with.
Speaking of Love.....the love a couple has while waiting for their sweet babe to arrive is always amazing.
This session was originally supposed to take place on a Saturday morning, but we go rained out. We ended up doing Golden Hour on a Sunday evening and I have to say, it was probably for the best as the end result is so beautiful.
SO, stay warm, relax and check out my a few of my Favorites from this beautiful Maternity Photoshoot in Jacksonville, FL.
For more information on Maternity Photos with me, just CLICK HERE.
Have a wonderful Monday!
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