Monday I shared a gorgeous mama expecting a new little life....and today, I share a new little life.
Remember this gorgeous mama?

Well, this sweet little girl arrived a week early, so we were able to capture her newborn portraits on her due date!
Such a sweet family and even sweeter baby girl. I am truly blessed being a Newborn Photographer in Jacksonville and St Augustine FL. Even though November isn't until tomorrow, I can say today, I am SO thankful for my wonderful clients.
For being able to capture these special times in your family. For welcoming me into your homes to photograph the nursery details, your family and of course the newest addition.
Very special thank you to this sweet couple for allowing me to have a chance to freeze those memories of their Maternity Portraits and Newborn portrait session.
So, before you hit that candy high for Halloween, see something even sweeter. Favorites from this Lifestyle Newborn Portrait session.
Happy Halloween!

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